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- Docs are written in plain text formats such as Markdown or reStructured Text.
- Docs are stored as flat files, not database entries.
- Docs are authored in a code editor of the writer's choice, not a monolithic authoring application.
- Docs are kept under version control.
- Doc versions are organized in parallel to product versions.
- Docs are built and deployed from source in an automated process that mirrors product deployment.
- Docs are automatically tested for internal consistency and compliance to style guides.
- Whenever reasonable, writers use the same tools and processes as developers.
- Writers are integrated into the development team.
- Writers have more control over their authoring environment.
- Less friction in the authoring process.
- Elimination of inconsistencies between docs and product.
- Less need for human proofreading.
- Coordinated releases of docs with product.
- Developers are more likely to contribute to docs.
- Writers and developers have more awareness of and respect for each others' work.
- Authoring and deployment tools are mostly free; hosting requires less overhead.
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